I’m a computer scientist, musician and visual artist. An amateur. In each and every thing I do.
This website here holds a collection of my musical work and visual artwork portfolios. These are only selections of my work. The webpage gets very infrequent updates. You’ll find recent news on my instagram stream.
If you are interested in a concert or if you want to buy a print of my photographs: Feel free to write me a mail.
Best regards, Markus
P.S.: If you just want to listen to my music, here are some direct links:
My main band: lieblingsstueck.bandcamp.com
Electronic music duo: mayermayer.bandcamp.com
Electronic music solo: summm.bandcamp.com
P.P.S.: The website name is a german word combined from “Erinnerung” (remembrance) and “Tropfen” (droplets). I made the word up for a song I wrote years ago.